Toolkit for Municipalities to Foster Open Communication

Municipalities are local citizen’s representative bodies, and are often the main point of contact between citizens and the government. As such, corruption at the municipal level may affect citizens the most and impair their trust in government. This in turn might have both direct and indirect negative consequences relating to successful private sector activity in municipalities. For example, the willingness of citizens to start a business or the attractiveness of the municipality as a target for outside investment could suffer.

Bearing this in mind, this toolkit seeks to provide suggestions on how to increase transparency in regard to local public procurement and public service delivery (among other areas), based on the pilot study “Transparency Index of Local Authorities” (TILA).

The methodology as well as the results of the pilot-study carried out in 2021 form the basis for the suggestions presented in this Toolkit. The Toolkit is created for the use of decision-makers and municipal employees implementing communication measures in both Latvia and Norway, and it incorporates the solutions and best practices to build more effective, transparent, and just cooperation with both the private sector and citizens

Therefore, we invite you to read the toolkit and create more open and transparent municipalities.

Briefly in Norwegian on the Toolkit ->

Read the Toolkit in the pdf file ->